Friday, November 29, 2013

Hello  guys!

Today  we  have free topic! And I´m going to refer about the last movie that I watched.

To be honest I like watch movies and documentary always when I have some of free  time or I need a relax. This week I have a little time and decided to see a movie called Pi.

I remember that I watched this film when I was a child , but today I have maybe other perspective or I have more years   jaja.

Pi  (El orden del caos) is a film from EEUU (1998) in genre thriller  and science fiction and who director is Darren Aronosfky (the same of Requiem for a dream and The Black Swan).

The film is about man called  Maximilian Cohen, he is  a rather paranoid, has a lot of migraines and he believed that all of nature can be represented by numbers secretive mathematician . For this reason he tries to discover the mathematical model of the bag through own calculations and feeding programs.

Later he learned about the “cabala” with a group of  judios, he created a program and did predictions discovering a number  with two hundred and sixteen digits. He think in a mistake, but a teacher say that he had  also suffered the same mistake.

In this moment he was pursued for different groups  that saw his predictions because the number is the true name of God.
I don´t know how I watched the film when I was more little, but  I think that the movie is very interesting, is   all in black and white  (I like a lot : )) and  has good music.

Here the trailer. Bye!! 

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