Thursday, November 21, 2013


Today I´m going to talk about a TVshow that I enjoyed when I was a child and I choosed a program for kids called Hey Arnold or Oye Arnold!!!

I started watching it as a child maybe from 8 or 10 years old, to be honest I don´t remember. I think that I started watching it because I saw a chapter and I love it!!!.

Is a show in TV in a channel called Nickelodeon and later  I saw this program in Mega(a national channel)
Hey Arnold is a TVserie where their principal character is called Arnold. The program is about the life of Arnold and the life of his friends, their live differents adventures and confront different situations as any kid.

Arnold is a boy of nine years, have a head with a particular form, he has a football head!! .He lives with his parents in a hostel or “casa de huespedes” with many people. His grandmother is a bit crazy and his grandfather is crazy too jajaja, but a bit more rational.

The Arnold´s best friend is Gerald a black boy with a lot of hair (similar to the March´s SImpson)  and is a boy rational for his age. And other interesting character is Helga (yes, we have the same name xD).
Helga is friend and classmate of Arnold. Helga is a girl a bit crazy, she is as  rude girl, don´t have a interesting in the class and she only dedicate to disturb to Arnold.

But, really she is fall in love of Arnold!! But she don´t demonstrate her feelings. She  is an intelligent girl and she like do poems and sculpture to Arnold.
I think that I liked the program because was good an you can see different chapter in a little time. But the principal reason is because  I liked Helga a lot. J

Do you see Hey Arnold??what is your favourite character??



  1. I have never seen it but the fact that 2 of you have written about it tells me it must be good.

  2. Hi Helga
    I agree with you !! He Arnold is the best cartoon in the all time´s.

  3. I loved this TV show! I had too favorites characters, at first Helga, because I was very agrresive when I was a child too xD (I love her statue of chewing gum, was Hilarious) and Gerald when narrated stories and play harmonica =)

  4. HEY ARNOLD! ARE A OF MY FAVOURITES CARTOONS :) I stayed many time watching it. My favourite chapter is when harold is in love of the Big Patty :D
