Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello people!!!

Today we are writing about who is the greatest Chilean of all time and to be honest I don´t know. But, I would like to refer about an important chilean that I like.

His name is Clotario Blest Riffo. Clotario born in Santiago, was an important syndical leader and social activist from 1920.

He started in 1920 working in a group called El Surco and after was working  in “La Casa del Pueblo”, this groups promove the syndical organization. But the second with a Christian component and  later, he found “Germen”, an important  group about working classes without political party or politicals.

He participated founded different organizations, for example ANEF, CUT and MIR or other refuges for people with political problems.

In 1922 he started to work as a public worker and founded ADIP.  ADIP was a deportive association of different institutions, but was a mask of groups with workman and syndical classes.

With this group born later “ANEF”, the actual entity of public workers  and with a focus in know more about rights and topics economics, politicals and cultural.

But the principal was “CUT”  and their critical about economical politics. He participated in a lot of strikes and movilizations that critical the situation of the country.

I think this person is important because did a lot of things and I admire a lot. I like his work and the form of this.

If Mr.Clota was in this place I think that I asked him a lot of things, a lot!!!!.


  1. He was a great man. I remember that when I was a little girl my mom read much of his work, she said to me that every sindical leader has to follow his print.

  2. Oh! we made our post about the same person! I'm happy that we think similar :)

  3. Don Clota <3 He was the greatest trade unionist and a essencial pillar for the development of the Revolutionary Left Movement.
