Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hello everybody!

I think that I´m not a green person or eco-friendly than the average Chilean person and I´m far from being one.

To be honest I try to incorporated some “green” habits, for example I walk to the University and other near places, I use again bottles and cartons, I use less water when I bathe and wash plates and clothes and reuse and recycle some things. But nothing more, For example I don´t use bike because I don´t have one, I don´t have my own bags for to go to the supermarket  and I use detergent and shampoo that pollutes the water.

I think that the idea of being a green person is difficult and relative, when we are in country with a economical system based on the resource exploitation of their natural resources and in a system that invites you to buy and destroy all around you.

For the same reason is difficult to the people learn about environmentally friendly practices or for a  topic cultural too, the Chileans don´t have education in this topic and either culturally.

Today the people learn about this topic in some ecological groups, in some college, eco-organizations and maybe in home, but are far from other countries. In my case, I never participed in any eco-organization, maybe for lack of desire or this is not me.

But, I believe that is not enough with only recycling bins or biking or some NGO or groups, we need change this topic in a cultural level, need to include this topic in the people and their education (And change the system !!).


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