Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hello everybody!!! How are you? ?This is the last post to the English class  and is about a memorable concert  or important exhibition that I did  in this year. To be honest,  this year I didn´t go to a concert and maybe the exhibition are a bit boring for you   because are only about archaeology . 
And I´m angry with me  and the world and all the world   because I don´t   see  Manu Chao the last week  : (   . I hope see Manu Chao soon or  in other opportunity >:(

My last memorable concert was the last year, but  I don’t remember the name of this concert, the date or the price. This concert was in November  in Teatro Caupolicán and  was about a new album called “Ahora”of the singer Pedro Aznar, a Argentinean singer.

The concert was great!!great!!  Went a lot of people, I went with friends and  he sang a lot and was beautiful J. I remember that I went to this concert with two friends, her names are Camila and Carolina and  Carolina is a good friend because she don´t like Pedro Aznar a lot, but went with us too.
I think that concert was special to me because I was a lot of time without going to a concert or any activity,  was as a gift from my friends for my birthday and I was listening a singer that I like a lot.

Here,  you have a link with songs of Pedro Aznar. I hope you like.

Good luck guys.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hello !

Today we did activities for practice for our final test and for this reason go to the next link  . 

The first part was a test about  reading and writing   and we have activities as read short and large texts, true/false questions and choose the best alternative for one text.  Then when we finished  we did the second part about  a listening item with exercises as multiple choice, true/false and complete notes.

I think that I had a better result in the writing and reading test, but the difficult  was in “sentences transformation”  and the long text. In the second part about listening I have a regular result, but I have a lot of problems with the listening ever. The most difficult for me was complete notes L

I don´t had good results  and I need more practice and sleep.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Hello  guys!

Today  we  have free topic! And I´m going to refer about the last movie that I watched.

To be honest I like watch movies and documentary always when I have some of free  time or I need a relax. This week I have a little time and decided to see a movie called Pi.

I remember that I watched this film when I was a child , but today I have maybe other perspective or I have more years   jaja.

Pi  (El orden del caos) is a film from EEUU (1998) in genre thriller  and science fiction and who director is Darren Aronosfky (the same of Requiem for a dream and The Black Swan).

The film is about man called  Maximilian Cohen, he is  a rather paranoid, has a lot of migraines and he believed that all of nature can be represented by numbers secretive mathematician . For this reason he tries to discover the mathematical model of the bag through own calculations and feeding programs.

Later he learned about the “cabala” with a group of  judios, he created a program and did predictions discovering a number  with two hundred and sixteen digits. He think in a mistake, but a teacher say that he had  also suffered the same mistake.

In this moment he was pursued for different groups  that saw his predictions because the number is the true name of God.
I don´t know how I watched the film when I was more little, but  I think that the movie is very interesting, is   all in black and white  (I like a lot : )) and  has good music.

Here the trailer. Bye!! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Today I´m going to talk about a TVshow that I enjoyed when I was a child and I choosed a program for kids called Hey Arnold or Oye Arnold!!!

I started watching it as a child maybe from 8 or 10 years old, to be honest I don´t remember. I think that I started watching it because I saw a chapter and I love it!!!.

Is a show in TV in a channel called Nickelodeon and later  I saw this program in Mega(a national channel)
Hey Arnold is a TVserie where their principal character is called Arnold. The program is about the life of Arnold and the life of his friends, their live differents adventures and confront different situations as any kid.

Arnold is a boy of nine years, have a head with a particular form, he has a football head!! .He lives with his parents in a hostel or “casa de huespedes” with many people. His grandmother is a bit crazy and his grandfather is crazy too jajaja, but a bit more rational.

The Arnold´s best friend is Gerald a black boy with a lot of hair (similar to the March´s SImpson)  and is a boy rational for his age. And other interesting character is Helga (yes, we have the same name xD).
Helga is friend and classmate of Arnold. Helga is a girl a bit crazy, she is as  rude girl, don´t have a interesting in the class and she only dedicate to disturb to Arnold.

But, really she is fall in love of Arnold!! But she don´t demonstrate her feelings. She  is an intelligent girl and she like do poems and sculpture to Arnold.
I think that I liked the program because was good an you can see different chapter in a little time. But the principal reason is because  I liked Helga a lot. J

Do you see Hey Arnold??what is your favourite character??


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hello everybody

Today I`m writing about my life and I think that as for anyone is full of good and bad things.  To be honest I don´t like to talk  about my personal life,  but I tell you some things.

Some people say that I and my family have some “”bad luck “” because we have been through many situations that did not go so well and others sad and hard.  Years ago my father died and we have many complex economic and social situation, the last year I had many problems and  I fall behind at the University.

In some occasions I´m a bit negative, but in  my life have happened  a lot of good things. I consider that I have good friends in the south and here in Santiago, I have a beautiful nephew  and I knew many people in the university and other spaces  with which I can work and  make a better society .

I don´t like to talk about “achivements” maybe I can consider some things important but I don´t like this word. This year an  important thing was that I can understand some things about my life and  maybe some of learning.

I wish you had  never to  say  “I didn`t or why I didn´t”.  And I think this year I would like to went to the nort of Chile, to Ayquina, done more stupid things , went to my house in the south more times  and  work in the career as when I was in second year jaja.

The rest of the year I would  dance more,  work and laugh and enjoy more,  really enjoy . This summer maybe I will start with the search of the materials to my practice, I would like to do a journey and do many things : )

And you ....what do  you like to do?


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello people!!!

Today we are writing about who is the greatest Chilean of all time and to be honest I don´t know. But, I would like to refer about an important chilean that I like.

His name is Clotario Blest Riffo. Clotario born in Santiago, was an important syndical leader and social activist from 1920.

He started in 1920 working in a group called El Surco and after was working  in “La Casa del Pueblo”, this groups promove the syndical organization. But the second with a Christian component and  later, he found “Germen”, an important  group about working classes without political party or politicals.

He participated founded different organizations, for example ANEF, CUT and MIR or other refuges for people with political problems.

In 1922 he started to work as a public worker and founded ADIP.  ADIP was a deportive association of different institutions, but was a mask of groups with workman and syndical classes.

With this group born later “ANEF”, the actual entity of public workers  and with a focus in know more about rights and topics economics, politicals and cultural.

But the principal was “CUT”  and their critical about economical politics. He participated in a lot of strikes and movilizations that critical the situation of the country.

I think this person is important because did a lot of things and I admire a lot. I like his work and the form of this.

If Mr.Clota was in this place I think that I asked him a lot of things, a lot!!!!.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hello! Today I`m going to talk about pets.

My house was always filled with pets, with dogs, cats and hamsters. But to be honest, In my life I have had only one  pet that I consider mine(and my family) and  the rest are from my little sister.

The name of this pet is Maximus like Maximus Decimus Meridius (the gladiator)  and is a dog, specifically a german shepherd. But, we say Max or Maxi because is more short. We got him from the year 2000, when a guy from a hatchery talk with one of my sister and gave us one. He arrived a rainy day from June with some months , maybe 4 or 5.

Something interesting is that I have panic with the dogs. Yes!! I have a fear of dogs, but with Max was different. I think  Max was a person more in my house, he saw your eyes and he understood what are you saying.

Is a bit difficult say what do now because he died 3 months ago. But in the past Max has social skills with us and others animals, even with cats. He liked play ball, cats scare, eat a lot of food, was very intelligent and the last months he spends a lot of time sleeping because was old.
For this reason we take care a lot about him, we brush his hair a lot, did food more soft and changed his bedding.

And this is all about my pet.

Regards !!