Thursday, April 25, 2013

Writing about my career

Hello everybody!

Today I `m going to talk  about a person that "admire".

To be honest I don`t have a favorite expert  and I think it is a bit difficult say that admire someone, but  I`m going to write  about a person that I like much as expert.

Her name is Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, born 1949  in La Paz, Bolivia and she is descendent aymara. Is a sociologist and historian, was teaching in many universities  and work at the Universidad de San Andrés(Bol) for more than 2 decades.

She is recognize for  a sociology activism,  she works direclty with indigenous movement  such as coca growers, Katarista movement and  other indigenous and populars movements. Other point interesting in her work is  a subaltern theory , she continues a anarchist theory and aymara and quechua cosmologies. Along with others professionals founded "Taller de historia oral andina" and works topics about identity, cosmologies, social movements and orality.

I like because has an interesting vision, experience and theory about how think the indigenous, she works directly with the people and consider differents speeches.



  1. the anarchy is rise again!... I admire the people that work for that... expanding the idea.
    I am glad to know Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui

    1. Silvia Rivera has many works in this theory. I recommended "Oprimidos pero no vencidos" , is an interesting book to start, short and fast to read.

      Thanks for visit my blog! See you.

  2. I didn't know anything about Silvia Rivera. I'm very glad for your post. I think that woman is very clever...
    Take care c:

  3. Helga, It's very interesting her theory, but it doesn't very clear for me, I need you explain me more!! Please =)
