Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hello everybody!!!
Today I´m going to talk about a ritual called tinku.

What is tinku?

The word tinku means “meeting” in quechua and fight in aymara, come from Bolivia and Peru ( also is practicing in Chile) and represent a popular ritual prehispanic .
The ritual is about two groups fighting offering blood to the earth, this is good for have a good harvest. This ritual is part of their cosmology and practices.

Who take part?  
In this ritual go men, women ( married and single) and kids.

What do the people?

The people start playing a music called Jula Jula, move many flags of different color and dance. Then when find the other group repeat that. Later, groups are fighting for hours.
Others points important: people drink a lot! A typical drink is one called chichi. For this point, sometimes people fight very much and somebody can die.

Can see this ritual today?
Yes!  People practice this ritual today in Bolivia, for example in Potosi or Macha.
And exist a dance called tinku, this represent this meeting, is a popular expression  and actually  people dance in differents festivities.

That covers all I wanted to say today.
Thanks for visit my blog!


  1. It's so nice ^.^ I'd like to see you dance someday! Maybe my comment will sound a little alcoholic , but... Did you ever drink chichi?

  2. Hi, I have ex-classmates who dance with you tinku, they are Cristian and Constanza.
    I hope to see you some day!

  3. Cote ! I drink only a bit, because I don´t like :(

    Daniela the name of your ex-classmate is Constanza Abarca or not?

    Regards girls!
