Monday, June 24, 2013

Hello everybody!! Welcome to the best blog in the web (?).

Today I can talk about any topic, I don´t know what write, my ideas are ending jajajj and I don´t have many time in this moment because I´m traveling in a bus.

But listening music I found an audio about a story called The nameless monster (El monstruo sin nombre u Obluda, kierá nemá své jméno in czech).This story appear in a  manga called Monster, specifically in the Volume 17: “The devil in your eyes” (“El demonio ante tus ojos”) from Naoki Urasawa.

In the serie and manga this story was wrote by Emile Scherbe, known as Franz Bonaparta, a fictional writer. The stories are important because are used to implement brainwashing to infants, who went to reading sessions.
This story is about a monster wanted a name and decided to leave home in search of one, but the world is big, and then he divided  into two parts. The monster eats people for to have a name, but every time he returned to being a nameless monster…

But one day until it finds a name….and for to know the rest of the story you can see the video. Also I recommended the manga and serie, is great!


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