Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hi! Today we have a new topic and  I`m going to talk about my favourite subject in this semester. 

I like a subject called  Zooarchaeology, this is a subject  in the line of Metodologies and technical of laboratory in Archaeology realized in the four semester(the first is ceramic, the second lithic, then we have this subject and the last is bioarchaeology).

The Zooarchaeology study in simples terms the relation human-animal in differents areas and aspects.In class we have two big parts, we have teoretical class every thursdays in the morning and practical class tuesdays and others days.

In the first we see differents topics about Zooarchaeology, for example domestication, poblation, uses, social and ritual uses and others . And in the second part we have class with different animals bones! we see for example birds, "llamas", mouses and others. and learn the bones, types of analysis, graphs  and reports.

I consider that I like this subject because I would like to work in this line and  is interesting for me know different problems to investigate. And I like a lot work with bones (humans or of animals) C:

See you! And good luck with the semester!


  1. Very interesting subject!! you made me think...
    is it a subject of Archeology or physical Anthropology?

  2. With your post you make me more doubtful about what speciality choose jajaja

    Nice post. Best regards
