Thursday, April 25, 2013

Writing about my career

Hello everybody!

Today I `m going to talk  about a person that "admire".

To be honest I don`t have a favorite expert  and I think it is a bit difficult say that admire someone, but  I`m going to write  about a person that I like much as expert.

Her name is Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, born 1949  in La Paz, Bolivia and she is descendent aymara. Is a sociologist and historian, was teaching in many universities  and work at the Universidad de San Andrés(Bol) for more than 2 decades.

She is recognize for  a sociology activism,  she works direclty with indigenous movement  such as coca growers, Katarista movement and  other indigenous and populars movements. Other point interesting in her work is  a subaltern theory , she continues a anarchist theory and aymara and quechua cosmologies. Along with others professionals founded "Taller de historia oral andina" and works topics about identity, cosmologies, social movements and orality.

I like because has an interesting vision, experience and theory about how think the indigenous, she works directly with the people and consider differents speeches.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Writing about music

Hi everybody!

Today I ´m going  to talk  about music. Maybe is not my favorite band, but I know this group in the south of Chile, and for me this is important. When I  heard I liked immediately.
This group is called Los tres, born in 1987 in Concepción,  is a recognized chilean band and one of the more important in Latinoamerica. They play rock! but  have some of jazz in their compositions.

Why I like? I think this is because in my house one of my sisters listen rock and other types of music that I like. For example  I remember that she used "cassette"and  I love it!

About my favourite song, I like very much  one called "Bolsa de mareo" and  about why I like , this is because I like the sounds and music.  Last year I listened this song many times,  reflexes how  I felt this  time.

 I see this group in Conce, I remember that was in June because was raining very much! and was cold, but I not remember the date. Was in the "plato" of the "Universidad de Concepción", but was in a  "tokata"  for charity and I like because I went with friends .About this activity I don ´t remember  a video in some page or  in youtube.

Here`s a  link! Enjoy!

This other  video is about a concert called "33 horas bar", this is a work of music and dance made by Los Tres and the Ballet of Santiago.  The video is about the first presentation in May , 2008 in the Teatro Municipal de Santiago and this song is called "Pájaros de fuego"


Friday, April 12, 2013

My autobiography

Thursday, April 11 , 2013  

My name is Helga Belén Inostroza Rojas, I’m 21 years-old and I moved to Santiago 3 years ago when I started college. But originally I am from Los Angeles, Chile. This city is in the south of the country, in the eighth region. And it is the place where I was born on November 29, 1991.

About my family I can say that we are a six-member family: my parents, my three sisters and me. Two of my three sisters are older than me, the first one is 38 years-old and the second one is 35 years-old. My other sister is 17 years-old and she is the youngest.
About my studies, I was 9 years in a public school (kindergarten to 8th grade), then I was in a subsidized private school in my secondary education. And now I am a 4th year student of anthropology at University Of Chile with a major in archaeology. Besides that I work sporadically.

To tell a little about my likes I can say that I really like to dance. I took a folklore dance class in 2011 and since the last year I’m a part of a collective of Andean dancing and I’m taking lessons of Choreography and contemporary dance. I also did ballet for nine years, but I left it because of a problem in my left knee. I like to watch movies and documentaries and listen to music too.

The last things that I would like to share with you guys are that now I am doing textile analysis and learning zooarchaeology and bioarchaeology.

I hope that enjoy my blog!