Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hello everybody!!! How are you? ?This is the last post to the English class  and is about a memorable concert  or important exhibition that I did  in this year. To be honest,  this year I didn´t go to a concert and maybe the exhibition are a bit boring for you   because are only about archaeology . 
And I´m angry with me  and the world and all the world   because I don´t   see  Manu Chao the last week  : (   . I hope see Manu Chao soon or  in other opportunity >:(

My last memorable concert was the last year, but  I don’t remember the name of this concert, the date or the price. This concert was in November  in Teatro Caupolicán and  was about a new album called “Ahora”of the singer Pedro Aznar, a Argentinean singer.

The concert was great!!great!!  Went a lot of people, I went with friends and  he sang a lot and was beautiful J. I remember that I went to this concert with two friends, her names are Camila and Carolina and  Carolina is a good friend because she don´t like Pedro Aznar a lot, but went with us too.
I think that concert was special to me because I was a lot of time without going to a concert or any activity,  was as a gift from my friends for my birthday and I was listening a singer that I like a lot.

Here,  you have a link with songs of Pedro Aznar. I hope you like.

Good luck guys.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hello !

Today we did activities for practice for our final test and for this reason go to the next link  . 

The first part was a test about  reading and writing   and we have activities as read short and large texts, true/false questions and choose the best alternative for one text.  Then when we finished  we did the second part about  a listening item with exercises as multiple choice, true/false and complete notes.

I think that I had a better result in the writing and reading test, but the difficult  was in “sentences transformation”  and the long text. In the second part about listening I have a regular result, but I have a lot of problems with the listening ever. The most difficult for me was complete notes L

I don´t had good results  and I need more practice and sleep.