Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hi everyone!

To be honest I consider that I have few close friends, but now I´m going to talk about  a good friend .

The name of my friend is Carolina and all the people calls her Caro, she is from Santiago and she is studying archaeology. (She is my classmate)

 I met her the first year at the  University (2010)  when started Anthropology  and I believe maybe never talk the first or second year ajajjaa. But  we makes good friends later, like in 2012(?) when we started archaeologist.

I remember that we started to talk more because we were part of the same group  for to do a presentation  for a boring subject and then we continue work in others subjects. Later I met her parents, her cat called Martin, secrets, friends, problems and a lot of things about her life. And she know the same about me.

I can see to Carolina  everyday because are classmates, but  I see in some times even the weeks or in vacations J.

I think that we are very different, for example she loves the cats and I hate them ! She likes to study the herbage and I like the animals and humans.  But I consider and respect our different points of view or opinions and have some points in common, for example we both  like to dance, travel, some kinds of music and talk.
I feel happy because Carolina is a great support to me in this city. Specially the last year, because was an horrible and complicated year, even when I hated stay in Stgo.

Thanks for read my post and I see you!

Good luck!

PS: This picture is when we visited "Lago ChungarĂ¡" the last year in October.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hello everybody!!

The last week we celebrated the national holiday and many people felt more Chilean than ever before. To be honest I don´t like national holiday because we just commemorate a dominate class and for me was only an opportunity to travel to my house in the south.

Today we are writing about what make Chilean and elements of the Chilean culture.
To me its a bit difficult to say what makes Chilean , what define the Chilean culture or what is so typical of Chile, because the national identity is a construction of a community  based in a sentiments of belonging with many  characteristic, customs, social interaction and with many contributions by different groups and cultures.

Many people can say  that we can find many customs deeply, for example the cueca, drinks, music even differents symbols and  material culture or elements. I consider maybe others elements important in this construction as a subordinate condition, domination relations and even I see a  vision negative and mediocre about our society.

 But in relation with the last question about elements of our culture should be celebrated, I would like to celebrate others elements and others discourse that are refused or ignore in our country .Not this national identity  from a state and not this time were just celebrate and legitimize  a dominant class.

Thanks for visit my blog, see you and good luck!