Monday, June 24, 2013

Hello everybody!! Welcome to the best blog in the web (?).

Today I can talk about any topic, I don´t know what write, my ideas are ending jajajj and I don´t have many time in this moment because I´m traveling in a bus.

But listening music I found an audio about a story called The nameless monster (El monstruo sin nombre u Obluda, kierá nemá své jméno in czech).This story appear in a  manga called Monster, specifically in the Volume 17: “The devil in your eyes” (“El demonio ante tus ojos”) from Naoki Urasawa.

In the serie and manga this story was wrote by Emile Scherbe, known as Franz Bonaparta, a fictional writer. The stories are important because are used to implement brainwashing to infants, who went to reading sessions.
This story is about a monster wanted a name and decided to leave home in search of one, but the world is big, and then he divided  into two parts. The monster eats people for to have a name, but every time he returned to being a nameless monster…

But one day until it finds a name….and for to know the rest of the story you can see the video. Also I recommended the manga and serie, is great!


Hello everybody! Today I´m going to refer about a picture and I chose. This image is known as “Miliciana de Waswalito”.

To start, this picture was taken by Orlando Valenzuela, a man from Rivas. He started to take pictures in 1980 and this picture was taken in July 1984 in Waswalito, a little rural community in Nicaragua. In this time Orlando was a photographer and editor in a magazine called “Los Muchachos”, this publication is conducted by a group called “Juventud Sandinista 19 de julio”.
This image shows a young countrywoman smiling. She is holding her child and has her rifle on her shoulder. But, what does it mean? The photographer says that he took this picture because he saw a combination of tenderness in this woman with the little boy and the force in the defense, in the rifle and Valenzuela or the editor put the name.

In the same year the image was taken as the official image of “Campaña Mundial de Solidaridad con Nicaragua.” Giving an important amount of money for the country, but this woman didn´t receive any money.
I think that I chose this image for three reasons: First, because I enjoy black and white a lot!, second because a friend gave me this picture for my birthday and the last point is because I like the meaning of this picture. I like to see this woman with a big smile and the little boy, regardless of the context.

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